The vestibular system is a system in the body that controls balance. It combines input from our joints and visual input with the position of our inner ear to help our brain know what position our body is in space. Sometimes there is a disconnect between these three areas due to illness, injury or allergies and dizziness, or vertigo, occurs with certain movements, positions or activities.
Physical therapy can help play a key roll to decrease dizziness and vertigo. With specialised treatment, physical therapists can teach you how to manage your symptoms independently until they disappear and in some cases can use special procedures to provide instant relief of your symptoms. In other cases, movement and balance training will also decrease the feelings of dizziness, vertigo and overall unsteadiness that you may be experiencing.
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Physical therapy can help play a key roll to decrease dizziness and vertigo. With specialised treatment, physical therapists can teach you how to manage your symptoms independently until they disappear and in some cases can use special procedures to provide instant relief of your symptoms. In other cases, movement and balance training will also decrease the feelings of dizziness, vertigo and overall unsteadiness that you may be experiencing.
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